Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Friendship reflections

Aging can be such a speculative proposition.  How many of us truly embrace our age reality with authentic eagerness?  It seems if you’re turning an authentic thirty-nine, perhaps.  But, for the rest of us, we may not always be forthcoming with the digits for our birth date and claim the Jack Benny mantra of turning thirty-nine ... every year.

            It doesn’t usually take much for me to have an excuse for celebrating life in general.  Perhaps it goes back to my childhood and the excitement and anticipation of being invited to my first birthday party.  I was in kindergarten when Robby Shore invited me to his birthday party.  Robby’s parents were both doctors.  They lived on a corner in a house that was big and grand and one that everyone studied when they drove past. 

Whoever said, girls just want to have fun, much have been a girl, but from my recall of Robby’s party, boys want to have fun too.  And, we did.  We were all caught up in the festivity of the day with giggles and smiles coming from everyone.  We proudly wore our birthday hats, blew horns, drank punch, and basically had the time of our lives. 

            So, just maybe Robby’s party set a precedent that continues today.  Like I mentioned above…it doesn’t take much for me to put a party spin on the celebratory circumstance of the day. 

            In light of my “sweet sixtyish something” birthday approaching, and then the subsequent dismay that my age reality did not quite equate to thirty-nine, I made a decision.  I called my friend, Marie, kind of based on that philosophy that if you want flowers on your table, perhaps you should plant a garden.  Thus, while we were talking, we collectively made another decision.  It was slightly spontaneous, I admit, but by the time we hung up, we had planned a soiree!

            What made it so amazing is that I’d had that idea tucked in my head for a few days but thought, how could I call my friend and plan my own birthday party at her house!  But, that’s exactly what happened.  My idea included baking myself a birthday cake and taking it over to Marie’s to share with my friends and help me celebrate my birthday.  How fun is that?

            I promptly pulled up my card-making program on my computer and created fun colorful post-card invitations to get in the mail.  The RSVP was to Marie and within a few days, the calls started coming in with replies.  Before we knew it, we had hors d'oeuvres, wine, a birthday cake, a few presents, and lots of regalement brewing.

            My idea was to have Marie tell the ladies who responded to our GNO (girls night out), no presents.  I didn’t want to put people on the spot.  Instead, what I thought might be meaningful was if everyone brought a hand written expression of what our friendship meant.  Perhaps, recalling a special moment of compassion, or a time of needed encouragement, or even a hilarious happening that made for a positive memory.  I’d had fun picking up and wrapping party favors to send everyone home with.  Our summer soiree was going to be a hit!

            Between putting the famous cream cheese frosting on the carrot cake I’d made from scratch, and then figuring out how to pack up the cake and get it into the car to take to Marie’s, in the middle of a torrential down pour, I was back at my computer.  This time, I was creating a design to tape on the front of a pink and purple-stripped notebook I’d gotten to hold the sentiments.  I titled it, “Friendship Reflections” and added in different scripts; loyalty, giggles, trust, laughter, and fun.  All timeless hallmarks of female friendships that help us face another year. 

            Who would only want to stay thirty-nine?

            Until next time…Top Blonde taking the day...

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